Monday, 31 March 2014


Everwatch Voted: Sentient/Crystalline/Humanoid/Cactus/Female/Explorer

Of course, this life has a name. She is called...


The pattern you see before you is known as the Seed of Life. In this universe, it is a symbol of limitless potential. It is a constant reminder that each and every life, no matter how small, no matter how fragile, may one day bloom and shape the world. It is this emblem that many swear by, and in the struggle for balance, it is the emblem that many die by.

You, The Everwatchers, shall chronicle the growth of one such Seed, one such life. The nature of your task is yours to choose. You may guide the Seed as you please, advise it, protect it. You may wish to simply observe, to critique from afar. But let it be known - as of this instant, you are responsible for every action this life commits. Your decisions weave it's fate, your agreements bolster it's path, and your disagreements drive it to chaos. You are entrusted with the balance of the universe... Use it wisely.

From now, until the end, you are...