Sunday 27 April 2014

Monday 14 April 2014

Sunday 13 April 2014


Everwatch Voted: Consume Rations/Throw Grapple Hook/Find Traps/Check Parameters

Before Miss Bismuth wades any further into her sea of adventure, it may be within your best interest to study her capabilities. While vague, the readings below accurately define Miss Bismuth's potential in various areas. These areas are BODY, MIND, and SPIRIT. These areas are defined by the following statistics:

-STRength: The measure of how physically strong a being is.
-PERception: The measure of how powerful a being's senses are.
-ENDurance: The measure of a being's physical tenacity.
-INTelligence: The measure of a being's learning capacity and retention.
-INSight: The measure of how aware a being is of the world around it.
-CHArisma: The measure of how self-aware a being is.
-SoulPOWER: The measure of a being's spiritual will.
-SoulSTABILITY: The measure of a being's spiritual tenacity and control.
-FaiTH: The measure of a being's ability to go beyond their potential.

You will notice that Miss Bismuth, due to her composition, is difficult to physically destroy. She is also decently perceptive, and quite intelligent. Her relationship with her soul, however, is abysmal. This may change over the course of your watch.

Each of these parameters can be increased through different methods. Under your watch, it is our hope that Miss Bismuth will become an exceptional keeper of universal balance.

Wednesday 2 April 2014


Everwatch Voted: Lynne Bismuth

During the course of Ms. Bismuth's growth, you, the Everwatch, may wish to let her act as she may. Voting to "Regard" the situation will allow Ms. Bismuth to directly affect her own destiny. Be warned, for she will always act according to her emotional state and personal preferences.